Titanium Electronic Anodes

A titanium electronic anode is a type of anode used in cathodic protection systems. Cathodic protection systems are used to protect metal structures such as pipelines, tanks and ships against corrosion. The titanium electronic anode is composed of a titanium substrate that is coated with a mixed metal oxide (MMO) material. When connected to a power source, the MMO coating generates a small electrical current that flows into the metal structure, creating a small electrical potential difference between the anode and the structure. This potential difference helps to prevent the corrosion of the metal structure by diverting the corrosion reactions to the anode.

Titanium electronic anodes have a number of advantages over traditional anodes such as impressed current anodes and sacrificial anodes. They have a much longer life span, typically up to 20 years, compared to traditional anodes which are usually replaced within 1-2 years. They also have lower energy consumption, and they are more environmentally friendly as they do not require the replacement of anodes on a regular basis. They are also suitable for use in a variety of environments, including saltwater, freshwater, and soil.
